Unseen Vogue
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Diary Biography
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You can always be your own self with the one who accept you in and out-without judging, be that what is may, your flaws might be.

 Love is not only about sensual touch, kissing, hugging and all but even at the simplest thing-just by talking to each other until late night will make you feel like floating in the air. That is how you know you are deeply in love.

 If you can tell everything to just one person, no matter what the topic might be, and that person really listens to you, to each and every words, and you feel comfortable at telling all the stories and both of you can make fun to each other, laugh on stupid jokes, and even reveal any dirty secrets about yourself-that is love.

One who truly loves you will never stress you out, but will try his best to cheer you up even by lending a favor on small things. One who care you much will always lower his ego even so, at the biggest fight.

 Even at your worst, he embrace it and turns you into a better person. He sees your weakness but treat it as your strength. Regardless how your looks on any day, he praise your beauty and make you feel like you are the prettiest of all. Also, he doesn’t care on how pale you might look, no complaint on your messy hair, your stupid behavior and accept your craziness. He adores you just the way you are and never try to change you into someone or something else which he desires.

We women tend to love someone wrongly by giving our heart-wholely, and end up hurting ourselves deeply. But don’t lose hope, hold tightly your faith, and keep believing, there’s someone out there who meant for you and will love you as much as he could. Even your heart is fragile and broken now, just believe that one who really deserve your love will fix that broken-pieces- heart come what may, and make you falling in love again.

If second chance is real, so does new love.

 From the one who still believing, Izzatul N. ❤